After Effects – Embers

Today, we went through the different simulation effects in After Effects. I used the time to have a look through all the simulations and I really liked the Snowfall effect. I used this to create my own ember effect .

I made a new project and comp. I then created a black solid.



I then found the Snowfall effect in the Effects and Presets sidebar and applied it to the solid. The first thing I did with this is to manipulate the Snowfall settings so that they moved and looked the way I wanted. I changed the Flakes to 50, the variation to 50, speed to 500, wind to 200 and the spread to 90.


I then added a Glow effect to the solid, this was to make the snowfall look more like embers.


I manipulated the settings to get the glow effect that I wanted. I changed the threshold to 0, the radius to 13 and the intensity to 3. I made the glow based on the Alpha Channel and then chose the two colours I wanted.



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