Production Trainee Role

My roles as a runner included:

  • Setting up internal meetings and client meetings with refreshments.
  • Stocking up the kitchens with tea, coffee, milk etc.
  • Organizing and setting up events.
  • Organizing and setting up crew treats.
  • Collecting meals for late working crew.
  • Running things from/to employees
  • Building tours for new employees

My roles as a production assistant trainee include:

  • Running dailies and taking notes
  • Passing notes onto the crew
  • Looking after the calendar and arranging calls/meetings
  • Filling out expense forms
  • Tagging relative reference for the crew
  • Booking meeting rooms
  • Arranging events for the show
  • Time-card approval

Working with the runners really helped to get to know people within the VFX industry and how the VFX pipeline works.

Production has furthered my knowledge of the VFX pipeline, from bidding to wrap, and helped to develop my communicative and organisational skills. I’ve been able to learn about the different production roles and how a production team works together and with the supervisors and crew.

I’ve really enjoyed my training as a production assistant and I think the role suits me really well. Being organised, having good time-management and communication skills really helps in production. I really love working with the crew and the production team. I feel that this role has made me a lot more confident and proactive.

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